(His little sign reads: SUPPORT SCOUTING - BUY POPCORN!)
Little bro' is now getting into the Popcorn Sales Spirit!
Actually, this was his costume for the Cub Scout Halloween Party last night. While the big boys were doing "Show & Sell" for popcorn last weekend, I happened to come up with this warped idea for a costume. He was a trooper & smiled & put it on... and won a prize! LOL! He was so proud of himself -- couldn't stop preening while he stood up there for the judging! Okay, so maybe he also got the sympathy vote (yep, I contemplated changing his costume to "Crash Test Dummy")...
Anyway, if you are interested, and REALLY - can you RESIST such a cute little salesman?? -- here are the online sales codes for the big boys:
Yes, it's expensive... but it IS good popcorn. Reason it's so expensive is because about 70% of the proceeds directly benefit the boys' council & pack.
If you're local, drop me an email if you'd like something. The boys are trying to fill their sales sheets -- if they do that, they get a ticket to a local indoor water park AND a marshmallow blaster, which the Fluffy One wants so that she can then run around behind them & gobble up the marshmallows & puke later & I can yell at the big boys that THEY have to clean up the dog puke blah blah blah.... LOL!!!
Anyway, the "lowest price point" is $10 -- a plastic tub (resuable for storage!) of caramel popcorn or unpopped popcorn for stove-top popping or an air popper. Let us know soon, PLEASE :) !!
1 comment:
Oh how cute!!!! When my kiddos were selling popcorn, Ashley wanted to help but they wouldn't let her because she wasn't a boy scout. BLAH! We moved to a new group that is much nicer!
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