Wee One recently started at "peeschool" at our church. He's been used to going over to the church during the week for "playschool" (childcare) once a week but this "formalized education" stuff is all new to him. We had to move him down from the 3 year old class to the 2-1/2 year old class because even though he calls it "peeschool", since he WON'T use the potty yet he couldn't go to big boy school -- which meant he wasn't able to be in class with his little friend, Ella. (However, he has another little girl-friend, Maggie, who will be in the class soon, so he's excited about that!) ELP does a good job of transitioning the kids; first the teachers come visit the kids at their own homes & read them a story, etc...

While she was at our house, his teacher, "Liepal" (his pronunciation) took his picture for his placemat. Then the week before school started, we went to an Open House where the kids did a scavenger hunt in the room, saw the teacher in the classroom, and they got to play with everything & decorated their placemats before they were laminated. Wee One, of course, did his minimalist schtick and we got the requisite picture of him refusing to show us his face behind a sign. LOL!

On Day One of "peeschool" he was sooo excited! We got all the benchmark pictures -- in front of the house with his sign... getting into the "school bus" (LOL!)... and then a sign picture in the lobby of school. Doesn't he look like such a little urchin??

Here he is once he walked into his classroom. They had the kids all wash their hands, and then they got them busy doing an art project. While I'm disappointed he couldn't be with kids more his own age, I'm actually relieved that he's in this class since they have an aid & the ratios are soooo low! It's 4 kids to 1 teacher, and right now, only 5 of the 8 kids in the class are old enough to be there (they have to be 30 months) so the kids get a lot of great interaction!
Now, all we need to do is pray for his teacher. See, she's actually a neighbor of ours -- I can even see her house across the pond while I'm sitting here at my laptop -- so she KNOWS that we are a nutso family. However, KNOWING she's getting the 3rd boy from my house and HAVING the 3rd boy from my house is
1 comment:
that sounds wonderful! Kyle has been going to a daycare a few days a week so i can have a little me time and so he can get a little socialization with other kids. he complains about going on the mornings he goes, but he always has such a great time. makes friends, picks up his toys, tries new food. now if he would just pick up his toys at home, we'd be all set!
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