Our first day in St. Louis we went with the recommendation of "everyone" -- as in "everyone says how great Creve Coeur Park" is. This resulted in a comedy of errors because when I googled "Creve Coeur Park" I ended up with SEVEN different parks in the CC area... when in actuality, CC Park is NOT *IN* Creve Couer. Go figure. Anyway, the very helpful gal at the front desk of the Drury (LOVE the crew at the CC Drury Inn!) printed me some Mapquest directions to the park "everyone" talks about and we took off.
Now, the main thing I'd like people to realize is that I am NOT a "jump in the car & head out" type of gal. To be in a strange location, with full responsibility for the three spawn by myself, and to just "go somewhere" is TOTALLY OUT OF CHARACTER for me. That is just NOT the way this Momma rolls! But everyone has to stroll out of their comfort zone every once in a while and to prepare for mine, I asked Gramma & Papaw if I could borrow their GPS for this trip. (Is there something to be said for asking to borrow something you've purchased for someone else??) Well THANKFULLY I had the GPS or it would have been a HUGE FIASCO!
Unfortunately the Mapquest directions I had took me to a restaurant after a 25 minute drive, but no playground equipment in sight. I drove up & down the same couple-mile stretch a few times & finally found a park map on a bill board. I saw where the playgrounds where but still couldn't figure out HOW to get there. The good news was that I had marked down addresses of two of the Creve Coeur area parks, so with a few dings into the GPS, off we were!
The day turned out okay after all - we ended up at a place called Millennium Park which was an AWESOME park!

I took this picture so that we had proof of the Wee One pushing someone else in a swing... Sullen & Mouth had fun climbing all around & asked if we could go back.
That night we took advantage of "Kids Eat Free" at Applebees which is connected to the hotel. Convenient, especially since at the Drury you can get 3 free drinks at their Happy Hour :) !!
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